Connect to Linux EC2 instance using PuTTY

When you create a new EC2 instance and created new keys, the keys are on the pem key format. This is used for SSH connection and is usable from a Linux terminal or OSX. However, if you are from windows and you use PuTTY to connect to your EC2 instance, you need to convert your pem key to ppk format which is accepted by PuTTY.

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How to Launch an AWS EC2 instance

This tutorial shows a step-by-step guide on how to launch an Amazon EC2 instance. We will launch a t2.micro instance using the Amazon provided AMI of Ubuntu 18.04. Let’s get started.

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Test internet speed from the Command-line

You probably have heard and tried using to test you computer or smartphone internet speed. If you have your own server or VPS you can also test internet speed connection from the command-line using the speedtest-cli utility. On this tutorial, I’ll show how to install and use speedtest-cli to test your internet speed.

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