You may find Ad-hoc mode (from Part II) easy to use on day-to-day tasks such as for quick systems checks or when updating a config file on multiple systems. Stepping up simple ad-hoc commands are Ansible playbooks (from Part III) and Ansible roles which are very powerful ways to utilize Ansible’s features.
Continue reading “Ansible Part IV: Roles Overview”Tag: SSH
Secure shell, ssh
Ansible Part III: Using Playbooks
The Ansible cases we tested so far from Part I and Part II are what we call ad-hoc mode. If you are pretty comfortable on combining these ad-hoc commands and bash scripts, you can do a lot of work for a small amount of time. But Ansible can offer a lot more features. We’ll explore creating Ansible playbooks on this part.
Continue reading “Ansible Part III: Using Playbooks”Ansible Part II: Using Modules
On the first part of this series, you learned how to setup and configure Ansible. Part II explains how Ansible modules work and how you can use Ansible in ad-hoc mode from the command line.
Continue reading “Ansible Part II: Using Modules”Ansible Part I: Installation and Setup
This is the part one of the four part series on the basics of how to use Ansible. There will be a gradual introduction from basic to intermediate examples how to install, setup and use Ansible. As well as the how to create ansible playbooks and roles. Let’s get started with Part One: Installation and Setup.
Continue reading “Ansible Part I: Installation and Setup”Unison – file/folder sync for Centos/RHEL 6
Unison is a file-synchronization tool similar to rsync. The main difference is that unison tracks changes on both directions so you don’t to have two separate rsync to pull and push data on both folders. This means files changed on server1 will be replicated to server2 and vice versa. It’s also easier to setup since no scripting necessary.
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SFTP Server with chroot Setup CentOS 6 / RHEL 6
SFTP provides a secure way for providing FTP access to clients. It comes built-in with the openssh-server package. Creating SFTP accounts is straightforward like normal user accounts. However if you want to limit the users to access their designated folder only, then a chroot setup is needed. This improves security in a way that sftp users cannot login to a normal bash shell and they cannot view system folders when they are logged-in. This tutorial will walk you though SFTP server setup.
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